Code Block |
200 { "traceID": "dbea8561-4990-4582-b370-66ab2696f39a", "responseTimestamp": "2023-10-17T08:52:17.845+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_1000", "responseMessage": "Three DS Transaction Successful.", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "transID": "146f7ded-2ea9-41c1-a56a-2d182322aab7", "referenceId": "124cf1a9-b211-4f7f-8cf1-a9b2115f7fb0", "threeDs2TransactionId": "6bb67882-1562-42c0-ae06-26875c6a62e3", "redirectUrl": "https://gateway.sandbox-netvalve.com/threeds/ddc?transId=146f7ded-2ea9-41c1-a56a-2d182322aab7&t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJlOWE3OWM4My04ZTc3LTQ4MzctYjkzOS1hOTk2ODU4OWExMTMiLCJpYXQiOjE2OTc1MzI3MzgsImV4cCI6MTY5NzUzMzMzOCwiaXNzIjoiTkVUVkFMVkUiLCJ0eG5JZCI6IjE0NmY3ZGVkLTJlYTktNDFjMS1hNTZhLTJkMTgyMzIyYWFiNyIsInN0YXR1cyI6IklOSVRJQUxJWkVEIiwicHJvdmlkZXIiOiJSWVZZTCJ9.MAlQjy-aL7lYLrpEVxYtsBFkBdkoMWI7_q_p1QHCJtU", "status": "INITIALIZED" } } Error { "traceID": "8f2348b0-12f2-44c5-91f9-989124c74220", "responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T11:43:50.647+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2003", "responseMessage": "Invalid Merchant ID. Kindly contact Netvalve support." } { "traceID": "d14726d6-8a00-4555-b2e0-f6fea3b944c5", "responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T14:19:54.461+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2000", "responseMessage": "Three DS Transaction Processing Error. ", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "referenceId": "0fb6d85d-0a4e-4e1f-b6d8-5d0a4ece1fe7", "errorCode": "9400", "errorMessage": "Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be empty' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be blank' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'size must be between 1 and 8' rejected value ''; ", "challengeRequired": false, "status": "INITIALIZATION_FAILED" } } |
Success Criteria:- {{paymentApiUrl}}/3ds/initialization response must have the below data and the client should add those checks
"responseCode" = "3DS_1000"
= (Non Null value)
"redirectUrl" = (Non Null
"status" =
Response table
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| Yes | Trace Id / Corellation ID :- Unique id for 3DS Transaction to trace back / enquiry. e.g. |
| Yes | Date time of response. e.g. |
| Yes |
e.g. More Error Codes |
| Yes |
| Optional (present in case of valid request) |