Code Block |
"customerEmail": "yogesh@dahe.com",
"customerPhone": "+919900000000", (Customer Phone in the format of coutrycode-phone . e.g +919900000000) |
Request table
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| Yes | Netvalve Mid Id configured with merchant profile. e.g. aa09538b-2148-4e0b-8418-28391caa6af2 |
| Yes | Transaction Amount e.g. 100.50 |
| Yes |
| Yes |
e.g. |
| Yes |
e.g. |
| Yes |
| Yes | Valid card number |
| Optional(In case of redirect required) | valid merchant redirect URL |
| Yes | IP address |
| Conditional. Required for Visa 3DS. | Customer Phone in the formate of coutrycode-phone . e.g |
| Conditional. Required for Visa 3DS. | Customer email |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes |
Format :- |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes |
Format :- like |
Generating browser data for the request body
The browser
related parameters in the request must be fetched on the client. You can use this JavaScript function to collect this data:
404 Bad request
500 Service Unavailable
API Response in JSON
1:- Initialization Flow
Responses for different flows.
The following indicates the response for each of the possible 3DS flows. The merchant must check the response to see which flow to take.
FLOW A: 3DS Complete
See V2 Flows for a description of this flow.
Frictionless Flow
Frictionless Success Criteria:- Response must have the below data and the client should add those checks
"responseCode" = "3DS_1000"
"transID" = (Non Null value)
threeDs2TransactionId" = (Non Null value)
eci" =
(Non Null value)
"cavv" = (Non Null value)
"threeDsVersion" = (Non Null value
Note:- If the above success criteria match
skip all the next
steps and use eci
in payment.
Code Block |
200 { "traceID": "dbea8561c1228eb5-49902246-45824cf5-b370ae3d-66ab2696f39a4c19234e1acb", "responseTimestamp": "20232024-1005-17T0828T08:5204:1713.845503+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_1000", "responseMessage": "Three DS Transaction Successful.", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "transID": "146f7ded53d002cd-2ea99998-41c14399-a56a94b7-2d182322aab7ad1d9e722ea2", "referenceIdthreeDs2TransactionId": "124cf1a9e37b458a-b211c171-4f7f4ad3-8cf1adb5-a9b2115f7fb0e70d3cb9902b", "threeDs2TransactionIdeci": "6bb67882-1562-42c0-ae06-26875c6a62e305", "redirectUrlcavv": "https://gateway.sandbox-netvalve.com/threeds/ddc?transId=146f7ded-2ea9-41c1-a56a-2d182322aab7&t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJlOWE3OWM4My04ZTc3LTQ4MzctYjkzOS1hOTk2ODU4OWExMTMiLCJpYXQiOjE2OTc1MzI3MzgsImV4cCI6MTY5NzUzMzMzOCwiaXNzIjoiTkVUVkFMVkUiLCJ0eG5JZCI6IjE0NmY3ZGVkLTJlYTktNDFjMS1hNTZhLTJkMTgyMzIyYWFiNyIsInN0YXR1cyI6IklOSVRJQUxJWkVEIiwicHJvdmlkZXIiOiJSWVZZTCJ9.MAlQjy-aL7lYLrpEVxYtsBFkBdkoMWI7_q_p1QHCJtU", "AJkBBkhgQQAAAE4gSEJydQAAAAA=", "threeDsVersion": "2.2.0" } } Error { "statustraceID": "INITIALIZED"8f2348b0-12f2-44c5-91f9-989124c74220", } } |
2:- Direct Auth
Frictionless Flow
Frictionless Success Criteria:- Response must have the below data and the client should add those checks
"responseCode" = "3DS_1000"
"transID" = (Non Null value)
"threeDs2TransactionId" = (Non Null value)
"eci" = (Non Null value)
"cavv" = (Non Null value)
"threeDsVersion" = (Non Null value
Note:- If the above success criteria match skip all the next steps and use eci
in payment.
Code Block |
200 {"responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T11:43:50.647+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2003", "responseMessage": "Invalid Merchant ID. Kindly contact Netvalve support." } { "traceID": "d14726d6-8a00-4555-b2e0-f6fea3b944c5", "traceIDresponseTimestamp": "c1228eb52023-2246-4cf5-ae3d-4c19234e1acb", "responseTimestamp": "2024-05-28T08:04:13.50311-01T14:19:54.461+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_10002000", "responseMessage": "Three DS Transaction Processing SuccessfulError. ", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "transIDreferenceId": "53d002cd0fb6d85d-99980a4e-43994e1f-94b7b6d8-ad1d9e722ea25d0a4ece1fe7", "threeDs2TransactionIderrorCode": "e37b458a-c171-4ad3-adb5-e70d3cb9902b9400", "ecierrorMessage": "05", "cavv": "AJkBBkhgQQAAAE4gSEJydQAAAAA=", "threeDsVersion": "2.2.0" } } Error { "traceID": "8f2348b0-12f2-44c5-91f9-989124c74220", "responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T11:43:50.647+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2003", "responseMessage": "Invalid Merchant ID. Kindly contact Netvalve support." } { "traceID": "d14726d6-8a00-4555-b2e0-f6fea3b944c5", "responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T14:19:54.461+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2000", "responseMessage": "Three DS Transaction Processing Error. ", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "referenceId": "0fb6d85d-0a4e-4e1f-b6d8-5d0a4ece1fe7", "errorCode": "9400", "errorMessage": "Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be empty' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be blank' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'size must be between 1 and 8' rejected value ''; ", "challengeRequired": falseField 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be empty' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be blank' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'size must be between 1 and 8' rejected value ''; ", "challengeRequired": false, "status": "INITIALIZATION_FAILED" } } |
FLOW B: challenge required
See V2 Flows for a description of this flow.
ACS Success Criteria:-Response must have the below data and the client should add those checks
"responseCode" = "3DS_1000"
"transID" = (Non Null value)
"challengeRequired" = true
"redirectUrl" = (Non Null value)
"status" =
ACS_REQUIREDNote:- If the above success criteria match then follow the next step as (step 4) and in seq for the next
Code Block |
200 { "traceID": "8bd4c342-eb46-435b-b6c5-3532b11abe2a", "responseTimestamp": "2024-05-28T07:30:33.020+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_1000", "responseMessage": "Three DS Transaction Successful.", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "transID": "c19d5b5b-0dd6-47f4-98ad-096f319cd8c6", "threeDs2TransactionId": "619eeb8c-4020-4dcd-9594-aaa53bd6a5e9", "challengeRequired": true, "statusredirectUrl": "INITIALIZATION_FAILED" https://3dsecuresuite.uat.sandbox-netvalve.com?transId=c19d5b5b-0dd6-47f4-98ad-096f319cd8c6&acsWindowSize=5&t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI5YWRkYTQ3ZS1hNDE2LTQ2ZjgtODdhYS04OGU5ODIwNDNiYzgiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTY4ODE0MzgsImV4cCI6MTcxNjg4MjAzOCwiaXNzIjoiTkVUVkFMVkUiLCJ0eG5JZCI6ImMxOWQ1YjViLTBkZDYtNDdmNC05OGFkLTA5NmYzMTljZDhjNiIsInN0YXR1cyI6IkFDU19SRVFVSVJFRCIsInByb3ZpZGVyIjoiQ0FSRElOQUwifQ.AHW72RgzRthk1YDBWqIJy4oNcXebxeYCLEzvJUFrj9I", } } |
ACS Success Criteria:-Response must have the below data and the client should add those checks
"responseCode" = "3DS_1000"
"transID" = (Non Null value)
"challengeRequired" = true
"redirectUrl" = (Non Null value)
"status" =
ACS_REQUIREDNote:- If the above success criteria match then follow the next step as (step 4) and in seq for the next
Code Block |
200 { "traceID": "8bd4c342-eb46-435b-b6c5-3532b11abe2a", "responseTimestamp": "2024-05-28T07:30:33.020"status": "ACS_REQUIRED", "threeDsVersion": "2.0.0" } } Error { "traceID": "8f2348b0-12f2-44c5-91f9-989124c74220", "responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T11:43:50.647+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_10002003", "responseMessage": "ThreeInvalid DSMerchant Transaction SuccessfulID.", Kindly contact Netvalve "threeDSProviderResponsesupport.": {} { "transIDtraceID": "c19d5b5bd14726d6-0dd68a00-47f44555-98adb2e0-096f319cd8c6f6fea3b944c5", "threeDs2TransactionIdresponseTimestamp": "619eeb8c2023-4020-4dcd-9594-aaa53bd6a5e9",11-01T14:19:54.461+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2000", "challengeRequiredresponseMessage": "Three true,DS Transaction Processing Error. ", "redirectUrlthreeDSProviderResponse": { "referenceId"https://3dsecuresuite.uat.sandbox-netvalve.com?transId=c19d5b5b-0dd6-47f4-98ad-096f319cd8c6&acsWindowSize=5&t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI5YWRkYTQ3ZS1hNDE2LTQ2ZjgtODdhYS04OGU5ODIwNDNiYzgiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTY4ODE0MzgsImV4cCI6MTcxNjg4MjAzOCwiaXNzIjoiTkVUVkFMVkUiLCJ0eG5JZCI6ImMxOWQ1YjViLTBkZDYtNDdmNC05OGFkLTA5NmYzMTljZDhjNiIsInN0YXR1cyI6IkFDU19SRVFVSVJFRCIsInByb3ZpZGVyIjoiQ0FSRElOQUwifQ.AHW72RgzRthk1YDBWqIJy4oNcXebxeYCLEzvJUFrj9I: "0fb6d85d-0a4e-4e1f-b6d8-5d0a4ece1fe7", "statuserrorCode": "ACS_REQUIRED9400", "threeDsVersionerrorMessage": "2.0.0" } } Error { "traceID": "8f2348b0-12f2-44c5-91f9-989124c74220", "responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T11:43:50.647+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2003"Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be empty' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be blank' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'size must be between 1 and 8' rejected value ''; ", "responseMessage": "Invalid Merchant ID. Kindly contact Netvalve support." } { "challengeRequired": false, "traceIDstatus": "d14726d6-8a00-4555-b2e0-f6fea3b944c5",INITIALIZATION_FAILED" } "responseTimestamp": "2023-11-01T14:19:54.461+00:00", "responseCode": "3DS_2000",} |
FLOW C:- Device data collection required
See V2 Flows for a description of this flow.
Success Criteria:- Response must have the below data and the client should add those checks
"responseCode" = "3DS_1000"
"transID" = (Non Null value)
"redirectUrl" = (Non Null value)
"status" = INITIALIZED
Note:- If the above success criteria match then follow the next step as (step 2) and in seq of the next
Code Block |
200 { "responseMessagetraceID": "Three DS Transaction Processing Error. dbea8561-4990-4582-b370-66ab2696f39a", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "referenceIdresponseTimestamp": "0fb6d85d2023-0a4e-4e1f-b6d8-5d0a4ece1fe7", 10-17T08:52:17.845+00:00", "errorCoderesponseCode": "94003DS_1000", "responseMessage": "Three DS Transaction "errorMessage": "Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be empty' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'must not be blank' rejected value ''; Field 'mid_q' validation error: 'size must be between 1 and 8' rejected value ''; Successful.", "threeDSProviderResponse": { "transID": "146f7ded-2ea9-41c1-a56a-2d182322aab7", "referenceId": "124cf1a9-b211-4f7f-8cf1-a9b2115f7fb0", "threeDs2TransactionId": "6bb67882-1562-42c0-ae06-26875c6a62e3", "challengeRequiredredirectUrl": false"https://gateway.sandbox-netvalve.com/threeds/ddc?transId=146f7ded-2ea9-41c1-a56a-2d182322aab7&t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJlOWE3OWM4My04ZTc3LTQ4MzctYjkzOS1hOTk2ODU4OWExMTMiLCJpYXQiOjE2OTc1MzI3MzgsImV4cCI6MTY5NzUzMzMzOCwiaXNzIjoiTkVUVkFMVkUiLCJ0eG5JZCI6IjE0NmY3ZGVkLTJlYTktNDFjMS1hNTZhLTJkMTgyMzIyYWFiNyIsInN0YXR1cyI6IklOSVRJQUxJWkVEIiwicHJvdmlkZXIiOiJSWVZZTCJ9.MAlQjy-aL7lYLrpEVxYtsBFkBdkoMWI7_q_p1QHCJtU", "status": "INITIALIZATION_FAILEDINITIALIZED" } } |
Response table
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| Yes | Trace Id / Corellation ID :- Unique id for 3DS Transaction to trace back / enquiry. e.g. |
| Yes | Date time of response. e.g. |
| Yes |
e.g. More Error Codes |
| Yes |
| Optional (present in case of valid request) |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| Yes |
e.g. |
| Yes |
e.g. |
| Yes |
e.g. |
| Yes |
More details ECI Codes |
| Yes | CAVV e.g. |
| boolen | Optional | true/false |
| Optional |
| Yes |
| Optional | e.g. |
| Optional | e.g. “ |
Anchor | ||||
Code Block |
// 1000 series for Approval, THREE_DS_SUCCESS("3DS_1000", "Three DS Transaction Successful."), THREE_DS_REQUEST_SUCCESS("3DS_1001", "Request Successful."), // 2000 series for error THREE_DS_ERROR("3DS_2000", "Three DS Transaction Processing Error. "), THREE_DS_REQUIRED_CALL_BACK_URL("3DS_2001", "Event Callback Url Is Missing. This Value Must Be Provided."), THREE_DS_NOT_CONFIGURED("3DS_2002", "Mid Not configured for 3DS. Kindly contact Netvalve support."), THREE_DS_INVALID_MERCHANT("3DS_2003", "Invalid Merchant ID. Kindly contact Netvalve support."), THREE_DS_TRANSACTION_ID_REQUIRED("3DS_2004", "Three DS Transaction Id Is Missing. This Value Must Be Provided."), THREE_DS_CHALLENGE_INDICATOR_REQUIRED("3DS_2005", "Challenge Indicator Is Missing. This Value Must Be Provided."), THREE_DS_BROWSER_INFO_REQUIRED("3DS_2006", "Browser Info token Is Missing. This Value Must Be Provided."), THREE_DS_DF_REF_ID_REQUIRED("3DS_2007", "DF Reference Id Is Missing. This Value Must Be Provided."), THREE_DS_GATEWAY_ERROR("3DS_2008", "Three DS Transaction Processing Error from Gateway. Kindly contact Netvalve support."), THREE_DS_IMPL_TYPE_REQUIRED("3DS_2009", "3DS implementation type Is Missing. This Value Must Be Provided."); |