Call Sale API with token

The token has been provided in a 2 ways:

  1. in the body of the form submitted

  2. as an argument to the onSubmitPayment callback, if supplied in the JavaScript SDK configuration.

This token can now be used to call the Sale API:

API details

Mode:- Stateless REST API

API URL: - {{paymentApiUrl}}/sale

HTTP Method:- POST

Authentication: uses netvalve client ID, apiKey and basic auth. See here.

Request example

{{paymentApiUrl}}/sale POST request { "amount": 12.00, "cardHolderName": "Yogesh Dahe", "clientOrderId": "{{clientOrderId}}", "currency": "USD", "customerAddress": "India", "customerCity": "Pune", "customerCountryCode": "IN", "customerEmail": "", "customerIp": "", "customerName": "Yogesh", "customerLastName": "Dahe", "customerPhone": "+3123123112312", "customerState": "PUN", "customerZipCode": "1000", "midId": {{midId}}, // Use either midId or siteId "siteId": {{siteId}}, "paymentToken": "e9d74bfb-12d6-422c-a230-fdcc351afc52" }

Response example

{ "traceID": "267d8adf-8077-49b1-af95-321252545981", "responseTimestamp": "2024-11-26T04:09:49.657+00:00", "transactionID": 1, "responseCode": "GTW_1000", "responseMessage": "Transaction Approved/ Request Successful.", "responseCodeType": "APPROVED", "paymentMethod": "CARD", "cardNumber": "401200******5439", "cardType": "VISA", "bankTransactionId": "432604500812", "authCode": "TAS639", "midId": 2, "netvalveMidId": "289e253d-f955-4e29-a2c7-bb1805883ee0" }

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