V2 Add 3DS fields in Sale API (Flows A, B, C)

V2 Add 3DS fields in Sale API (Flows A, B, C)

At this point, the required 3DS values for the Sale API have been received either from:

The required Sale 3DS fields

The required 3ds properties to go inside the Sale payload are

1. dsTransactionId 

2. eci

3. cavv

4. version

This is how they are mapped to the 3Ds values in either the Auth API response, or the Get Result API response.

  •  dsTransactionId  >> threeDs2TransactionId

  • eci  >> eci

  • cavv  >> cavv

  • version   >> threeDsVersion

Here is a handy Javascript function to map the response:

function mapThreeDsVals(response){ const eci = response.threeDSProviderResponse.eci; const cavv = response.threeDSProviderResponse.cavv; const dsTransactionId = response.threeDSProviderResponse.threeDs2TransactionId; const version = response.threeDSProviderResponse.threeDsVersion; const threeDsVals = { dsTransactionId, eci, cavv, version }; return threeDsVals; }

Create the Sale API request payload

To perform the SALE, read the API docs here.

Add the 3DS values into the Sale API request payload like so:

const threeDsVals = mapThreeDsVals(resultResponse); const salePayload = { ... // the required sale api fields 3DS: threeDsVals }


{ ...// the required sale api fields "3DS": { "dsTransactionId":"cadd2f53-9401-498c-9306-8ca28bca1a6a", "eci": "05", "cavv": "AJkBBQiQcSiQAAAAJ5BxAAAAAAA=", "version": "2.1.0" } }


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