SDK Methods

SDK Methods

Accessing methods

Depending on how chose to integrate HPF, there are 3 ways you can access the sdk’s methods

  1. from window.Netvalve

Example: await window.Netvalve.tokenizeFields()

  1. from the object returned when calling window.Netvalve.initFields during the JS SDK setup.

const sdk = window.Netvalve.initFields({ }) await sdk.tokenizeFields();
  1. From the <netvalve-tokenfields> html web component

const sdk = document.querySelector('netvalve-tokenfields'); // GET INSTANCE const token = await sdk.tokenizeFields();



An asynchronous function for validating all fields and performing tokenization.

Arguments: None;

Returned Value: Promise

  • If validation + tokenization is successful, the promise resolves to a string token

  • If either fails, the promise resolves to null

Example Usage

document.querySelector('#submit-button')?.addEventListener('click', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const token = await window.Netvalve.tokenizeFields(); // PERFORM TOKENIZATION if (token) document.querySelector('form').submit(); // TOKEN RECEIVED. SUBMITTING FORM else console.error('Token submission failed, received null.'); });

Related: Form Submission



A synchronous function that checks if all required payment fields (card number, CVV, and expiry) have been successfully tokenized.

Arguments: None

Returned Value: boolean

  • Returns true if all three fields have been successfully tokenized

  • Returns false if any field is not yet tokenized or has failed tokenization

Example Usage:



A synchronous function that checks if any payment field is currently in the process of being tokenized.

Arguments: None

Returned Value: boolean

  • Returns true if any field is currently being tokenized

  • Returns false if no fields are currently being tokenized

Example Usage:

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