Initialize Token Fields

The first step is to use the NetValve Payment API to generate the SDK url, which can be used to create a <script> element on the payment page.

This is a serverside/backend operation.

API details

Mode:- Stateless REST API

API URL: - {{paymentApiUrl}}/hpf/initializeSession

HTTP Method:- GET

Authentication: uses netvalve client ID, apiKey and basic auth. See here.

{{paymentApiUrl}}/hpf/initializeSession GET response { "traceID": "120d2e14-e768-4b28-a4ae-32740c27d2f2", "responseTimestamp": "2024-12-20T08:37:25.059+00:00", "responseCode": "GTW_1003", "responseMessage": "Hosted Payment Fields Token Created Successful.", "netvalveScriptSrc": "", "version": "D-XdwYDH", "integrity": "a9d74bfb-12d6-422c-a230-fdcc351afc52", "paymentToken": "735be51c-350a-4d91-af8a-f26300804a9b" }

After a successful response:

Use the netvalveScriptSrc to construct a <script> html element on your payment page:

<script type="text/javascript" src={{netvalveScriptSrc}}></script>

This script will be used to load the NetValve SDK.

** note: currently in development is the integrity property. Once released, this will need to be added as an attribute to the script tag.

Next Step: add the netvalve payment fields

Adding Card Fields